Starts At $105.00

Linen Terry Bath Mats

Thoroughly contemporary in look and feel, the Vilnius bath mats are made from 100% linen terry. The plush terry front side reverses to a flatweave linen back. Named after Vilnius, Lithuania, where they are made, these bath mats are very absorbent.

Linen terry is stiffer than cotton, making it the perfect invigorating exfoliant. A great addition to the bathroom and your self-care routine. Available in all sizes of towels, bath mats, and robes.

Sustainably woven in Lithuania using Oeko-Tex yarns.

  • Bath mat reverse to natural flatweave linen.
  • 100% linen loops on 100% cotton base.
  • Made in Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Bath Mat (24" x 30”)


Machine wash linen towels in warm (not hot) water on a gentle cycle. Use any mild detergent or soap. To remove stains, use enzyme reactive stain removers only.

Precautions & Suggestions:
Do not use chlorine, bleach, stain removers, or detergents with lighteners. Never pour detergent or soap directly on your textiles. Either pour it in when the tub is full or dilute it. Do not use fabric softeners. These only coat the fibers and make them "appear" to be soft. Use one cup of white vinegar in the rinse water to remove any traces of soap and leave fabrics smelling fresh.

The ideal way to dry textiles is air only. A line or rod is perfect, but you can use a railing or shower rod as well. If you must use a dryer, use the lowest setting and never, never dry completely. During the last few minutes of a dryer cycle the fabric overheats and dries out, making it brittle and lifeless over time. Always remove them from the dryer while still damp.

When your linens are still slightly damp is an ideal time to press them, but if that is not possible, let them air dry. (You can also "store" laundered linens in a plastic bag in the refrigerator or freezer before air drying or pressing.) You can even air dry sheeting by throwing them over a bed. If you smooth the wrinkles out at this point, the pressing becomes even easier. Press on the underside, using a well-padded ironing board and a clean iron. Do not press in creases because this will also cause wear over time. When pressing monograms or embellishments, place face down on a terry towel so that the decoration will "pop" out.

Simply fold your linens neatly. One of the more gratifying things to have in the home is a beautiful linen closet. Never store llinens in plastic. If you must cover them, use an old piece of sheeting or pillow case. Storage should be dry and away from light with some air circulation.

For Special Finishes:
For macrame fringes, gather them together in your hand, bend in half and secure with a rubber band. This will keep them from getting tangled during washing.